School Country - Math Activities Games and Worksheets
Math Worksheets, Activities, Games Helpline 099826-99306
Hi this is Shradha, Wanted to understatnd how would you provide us maths worksheets for my duaghter grade1 [View Answer]
By - Shradha      

Responses (1) -


Hello Shradha

Thanks for the query. I presume you are interested in BrainX Maths Training Program. This is an activity based math program where printed, colored math activities and worksheets are sent to your home every month for 12 months. The salient features of the program are
1. Based on activities to improve retention and recall
2. Involves real life situations and applications and not just math 'sums'. Thus improving interest in the subject at an early stage itself
3. Printed math activities are delivered right at your doorstep every month with answers
4. Developed by IITians with the intention to generate student pull to learn. Used by leading schools across India like DPS, KVA, Jindal, MGD etc
5. Covers complete Math curriculum for grade 1 as defined by NCERT India and NCTM Singapore guidelines. These are 2 of the most reputed curriculum guidelines.

You can click on this link below to get started on BrainX

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