School Country - Math Activities Games and Worksheets
Math Worksheets, Activities, Games Helpline 099826-99306

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SchoolCountry invites original editorial contributions from parents, teachers, students and educationists. Your submission will be reviewed by our editorial team. The top criterion for acceptance is that the submission should be of genuine help to our readers. You can submit articles, educational news, relevant personal experiences, videos and more. Below you will find details
Get Published!
What kind of contributions will be accepted – Any educational content that is of genuine help to parents, teachers and/or students is welcome. Specifically, you can submit
  • How-To articles that give solutions to common educational issues like “difficulty in learning tables”, “fear of math”, “participation in competitive exams for school students etc”
  • Creative and original educational content and aids that you have used and would like to share with others
  • Latest educational news that you feel would be useful for a vast number of our readers
What are editorial policies – Once you submit your article, our editorial team will review it. We look at 3 factors for choosing an article
  • Originality of the content – the content should be yours and yours alone. It should not have been published at any other place
  • Ease of reading – the content should be grammatically correct, non offensive and easy to read
  • Helpful for our readers – The article should add value to parents, teachers and/or students who frequent our website. This is the most important factor
Why should I write it – That is a good question. You should write because you have a relevant and helpful content that you want to share with the world. Now let us come to material benefits
  • The article will be published with your name, bio and photograph. So you are recognized for your effort. Ofcourse, if you intend to hide your identity, then you can write with a pseudonym
  • We reach audience in 22 countries with over a half a million visitors who will read this content. That is wider reach than many news papers.
  • If you write your own blog, then we will be happy to provide a back link in your bio to your blog/website. Thus diverting traffic and increasing google rank for your site
  • If you contribute 4 or more articles, you will even have your own author page on SchoolCountry containing articles written by you. It will also have link to your own website/blog, a few of your quotes and ideas about education
How to submit my entry – Send your articles to [email protected]. You can send the article as an HTML file or Word document. If you have pictures/videos that you want to go with the post, attach them in the mail. Also, clearly specify where you want it to be placed in the article. Else we will be forced to use our judgement to find a right place for it. Make sure to use the subject line “article submission”

We may make edits to the article and or the picture. We will share the edits with you and only if you are OK with it, will your article be published.