My 5 year old nephew once asked. Why are we supposed to add when we see a '+' symbol? This innocent question made me realize how mechanically math is taught in our classrooms. You see a symbol, you do an appropriate action, without really understanding the "why" behind it. No wonder, kids find word problems challenging in math because a good word problem or story sums often calls for understanding of context or situation and not just for finding the cues like "add", "total", "sum" etc.
In this worksheet for grade 1 math students, we have worked with addition. The objective is to understand a situation and then take appropriate action rather then find symbols (+, -, X etc). Here the objective is do horizontal addition or addition in non vertical layout. The 2 digit numbers will not involve any carry over. This is suitable for Grade 1 and UKG students.

The objective of this math worksheet is to focus on situations that demand addition rather than pure addition skill. Students will not only love the beautiful layout but the use of colors pencils will make math more approachable for them. - math worksheets for grade 1, more math worksheets for all classes