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Us mothers are most obsessed with food for kids. When it comes to our little angles., what is healthy is not usually accepted by the our prince / princes and what readily meets their approval does not rank high on health meter. The daily war on the dining table can unnerve even the bravest of the souls. Sounds like your own little story?... [More]



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Often we base our estimates of School Fee on just the tution fees. However, you would be surprised to know that tution fee is only 30-50% of the school fee. 60-70% of the spend comes under other heads that we often fail to notice. Here we will try to shed light on what these major heads are and how do they stack up.... [More]



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At the age of 2 a child becomes physically active and mentally inquisitive. The child continually experiments with his/her surroundings by touching, smelling and tasting things around him. He speaks, shows his expression and asks questions too. What I found most interesting was that my son started using his logic and analysis in doing same e.g. he once tasted brown colored chocolate powder, so the next time he saw a brow powder, he instinctively reached out to put it in his mouth. The sense of color and texture was already there. It was wonderful to see him apply logic and intuition in his own little way.... [More]



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Previously we discussed 4 reasons why you should NOT choose a day school that is located far from home. Here is a counter view written by our guest author on when it makes sense to select a school close to home. Choose a far off school when there is unmatched learning advantage: We are sending our children to school for learning and growing in to smart and responsible human beings. If the schools located in your proximity do not offer the best learning experience then we have no choice but to look outside. We must not compromise on the primary objective of why we are sending our kids to schools.... [More]



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We often either ignore a school's distance from home or tend to look at available transport options (bus, auto etc) as long as a school is good. But we believe that there are reasons, beyond obvious, why the distance must be an important consideration in your school search and why a school too far from home must not be your top priority. Let us look at ...... [More]



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In your hunt for the right school for your kid, one the early questions that you will face is the decision on type of school based on duration of the school and then decide which one to go for. From duration of the school, we mean the number of hours that a child is supposed to spend at the school before he / she comes home. As per this classification, there are primarily 3 types of schools 1. Day School This is by far the most common types of schools in India or anywhere else in the world. The child spends ...... [More]



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In our previous post, we discussed what is a day boarding school and why should you go for it. It is going to be a second home for your child since he/she is going to spend almost 10 hours every day here. That is more than 60% of his waking time. So you need to ensure that you find a great school. Here we list 7 things that you must understand and be aware of, to make a right decision. 1. Find a good school first and then a day boarding - You are looking for a school for your kids. So make sure that it is a ...... [More]



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Continuing our series on finding the right schools for your kids, we now classify the schools based on the duration and categorize them in 3 types as day school, day boarding school and boarding school. In this blog post, we will discuss all about day boarding schools and why, if at all, should you choose it for your kids. As the name suggests, it is a school that provides boarding facilities for the day i.e. the child can stay at the school for the day. This is a hybrid between a ...... [More]



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Introducing healthy eating habits in kids from an early age is very vital in today’s world. Our grocery store shelves are so fil led with processed food, that we need to take time to make the right food choices. Research says that kids develop taste buds based on foods they are introduced to. So it is more than just supplying their daily calorific requirements. They develop an eating pattern for their lifetime based on what they are exposed to. It is important for parents and elders to introduce them to healthy foods and help them make that better choice for their future life. One of the first steps to reducing child obesity and ...... [More]



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We often wonder what is the best way of learning? If left alone, can kids learn by themselves or do they always need a teacher an adult supervisor to guide them? Can they learn and still enjoy themselves i.e. can learning ever be enjoyable and how? Amidst all this talk of child centric education system, can the education process be really driven by kids? Can they decide what they want to learn and how? Can they be motivated to learn interesting things while working together? This excellent talk on by Sugata Mitra explores these ...... [More]